For gekko007 who was sad I didn't make one.
I ducked for cover as a bullet whizzed pass my head. I reloaded my gun...they were still shooting, I ran for it. I could see it, the open door toward my freedom. To my surprise it started to close. Fuck! They were closing it on me. My life is just a game to them isn't it! A huge fucking game! Well I'll show them I slid through the door coming down from above. I barely made it under. It shut. engulfed me into it's presence. I had learned to cope with it, but then the lights came on showing me the corridor littered with the remains of other warriors. Like me, training to get into the ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss frontlines of the battle, we were being trained to be warriors. And I was going to win, I was a prototype, I should win those wwhores outside shouldn't. Then I heard it, faint at first but thent he sound grew into a lloud patter. Tap tap tap. Foot steps. The next wave was about to be released I was their surprise. Either that or they were cvoming for me intentionally . I unsheathed my blade strapping the gun back onto my back, I was ready.
Corrections afterward: The league of s was me trying to get my thoughts through. Other than me misspelling whores, then, and coming[lol] The only other thing was it should be. 'I was a surprise.'
yay :D you made one!!!
I'll post one on my blog things tomorrow! I'm posting on my iPod touch now, so I wont write type for 10 mind straight, that would be overkill!!
And I like the story :)