Just here to drop a review with substance.
It is good, that's clear to see. But there are a couple of problems. The main one being that most of the lines are sloppy. Most for the stuff in the background and the Tricky clown's sword. Which is also another problem, when has Tricky ever used a sword? I remember him having a stop sign usually. But either item looks badass when rising from a pool of a lava. Which I assume is under them and kind of doesn't make sense. By the way, is that Jesus at the top? It seems a little inappropriate to place him on that pedestal considering the Madness series revolves around Hank and the two other dudes for the '.5' episodes. But it's a good drawing, anyone can see that, the crows are a particularly nice touch. You'll most likely be in the top 5 if not first place, good job.